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A trip to the invisible world of microbes, and other elusive creatures : our nocturnal and microscopic friends. (2021-22)


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"A l'eau, à l'eau" is a series of three pieces for children's choir and piano on issues related to water management .

I. Prelude II. L'eau de Chez Nous III. A l'eau, à l'eau.                

recorded in Vernouillet in June 2014
children's choir of the CRI of the agglomeration of the Pays de Dreux
Patrick Sérot, director
Florence Allano, piano
L'eau de chez nousArtist Name
00:00 / 03:19
Capture d’écran 2021-03-01 à
During a long winter night, the children dream by the fireside of warmer days. A frog speaks out about his choice to leave a previous life as a prince, to join the universe of the noisy pond of summer evenings ... a mushroom speaks to evoke forest life in the fall. The earth turns on its axis, the days get longer and shorter with the seasons. A solitary snowflake floats softly to the ground singing, to the sound of an organ. Inside the church the temperature is cold but the atmosphere is warm!
premiered in Senonches in 2012
sponsored by the Parc Naturel Régional du Perche
A UFO descends from the sky. The inhabitants of the planet 'Orduranus' come in peace, asking local residents for asylum, because they are climate refugees- forced to leave their home planet whose resources they have exhausted.  They offer to explain to the earthlings Jean Accumule and Jean Jette how to avoid falling into the same trap.
Evita Toutprix from St. Combray, accompanied by her Emballageosaur, uses music to take us through basic concepts about waste reduction.  Costumes and sets exclusively made of garbage provided by the participants. 
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spectacle crée à Nogent le Rotrou en 2010
A zany tribunal meets to judge the fate of three delinquents: the pirate Barbabsenthe (who commits crimes in the sole name of gender equality)  the musician Dorémine (guilty of solfegic offenses), a young devil, (obviously accompanied by his lawyer, or 'advocate").  After a surreal administrative procedure, an astonishing verdict unites the condemned on an unusual construction site... Everything ends well as a roundabout emerges ... 
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